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If you would like to become a member of the Society, please read the information below and complete a membership form. 

An online membership form can be completed on this page to the side/ below.  

Membership runs from January to December each year.

Membership fees for this year are as follows:

  • Adult (1 Person) - $35
  • Household (2 at one address) - $45
    • 3 at one address - $50, 4 or more at one address $55
  • Concession (Pensioner/Student/non-waged) - $30
  • Concession Household (2 at one address) - $35
    • 3 at one address - $40, 4 or more at one address $45
  • Child (Under 12 years) - $20

Monthly Newsletters requested by postal delivery will incur an additional charge of $12/ year if you first joined the society after October 31, 2018. 

Reduced fees for members joining during the year:

  • Joining 1 July - 31 October of a given year - Half Fee
  • Joining 1 November - 31 December of a given year - Full Fee (Membership extends to end of the following year)

Society pin badge - $4


Payments can be made in cash in person to our Treasurer at a Society general meeting. 

We do not have EFTPOS facilities at general meetings.  Cash sent via Australia Post is at the senders risk.

Payments can be made by Cheque/Money Order or Direct Deposit to the Society's account:

Cactus & Succulent Society of SA
BSB: 735041
Account No: 529207 

Show your SURNAME AND INITIAL as payment reference.

Make Cheque/Money Order payable to the ' Cactus and Succulent Society of SA'

Post your application and payment to:

The Secretary, Cactus & Succulent Society of SA
PO Box 10104
Gouger Street, Adelaide SA 5000